The Nagarik App has crossed over 640,000 downloads since it was launched by the Nepali Government four months ago. As of today, the total number of downloads reached 640,503.
The App with the slogan “Supporting Communications and Information Technology, Government Services at Hand” aims to digitize and integrate all government services. Nagrarik App also features services pertaining to police clearance reports and health insurance programs.
Users can open an account in the Nepal Bank and the Siddhartha Bank using the QR scan code in the App. The government is also planning to incorporate non-government services in the App in the second phase.
Though the App saw a mammoth number of downloads within a short period, only 34.7% (222,315) of the total downloads have been verified, according to the National Information Technology Center. The remaining 65.3% of downloads are yet to be verified.
The Nepali Government has launched Nagarik App on January 15. The full version was made public on May 2, 2021.
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