Thursday 6th February 2025

Nepal Grade 11 Results 2075-76 (2018-19) Announced!

Students can visit the NEB official website to check the Grade 11/XI results 2076 online

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Nepal Grade 11 Results 2075-76 (2018-19) Announced!

Nepal’s National Examination Board (NEB) in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur is releasing the Grade 11  results today – September 24, 2019 by evening.

Close to 508,000 students from 4,137 schools have written the Class 11 examinations in Nepal that were held between May 12-22, 2019.




Here’s how students can check the NEB Grade 11 Result 2076

1) NEB Official Website

Students can visit the NEB official website check the Check Grade 11 Result 2076 Online – Complete Marksheet

Additionally, students can also visit and check the Nepal Telecom (NTC) website.

NEB Class 11 Regular Results Online – Step By Step Process

  • Type your symbol number in the space provided
    For example: 02071382
  • Click Submit

2) NEB 11 Results Via SMS

  • Nepal Telecom Users: Type NEBSymbol No. and Send to 1600
  • Ncell Users: Type NEBSymbol No. and Send to 5000
  • Sparrow SMS: Type NEBSymbol No. and Send it to 35001
    For example: <NEB02071382>, Send to 1600

Click the button to check your Class 11 Results

Check Your Result

Grade 11 Supplementary Exam 2076

Finally, the National Examination Board (NEB) has published Grade 11 supplementary exam 2076 results on December 16, 2019.

The students who have appeared for the ‘Class XI Grade Improvement/Supplementary Exams that were held on Kartik 30, 2076 and Mangsir 01, 2076 can now check their results in the following link.

Check Your Result

Grade Point Average (GPA) System

The Grade 11 NEB Results will be awarded in the Grade Point Average (GPA) system, wherein GPA 4.00 is the highest. The GPA is calculated based on the percentage of each subject – an average of theory and practical marks. The grading system was introduced by the Nepal Government to keep them from being disappointed due to a fail grade in the previous percentage system.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
Grade Marks Obtained
A+ 90-100
A 80-89
B+ 70-79
B 60-69
C+ 50-59
C 40-49
D 30-39
D+ 20-29
E 0-19

Nepal Examination Board - Grade 11 Results Live

NEB Class XI Grade Improvement Exam Dates Announced!

The National Examination Board (NEB) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur announced the dates for the Class XI Exam 2076 – Grade Improvement/Supplementary Exam and the related form submission.

The Class XI Grade Improvement application forms are available to students who were unable to write the exams or secured D+, D or E grade in one subject.

The fee for the Class XI Grade Improvement exam has to be paid by Karthik 18, 2076 BS and the form for the same should be submitted by Karthik 22, 2076 BS.

NEB Notice for Class 11 Grade Improvement/Supplementary Exam 2076

How to Apply for Grade XI Transcript, Provisional and Migration Certificate

  • The Grade XI Transcript, Migration and Provisional (TMT) Certificate is available to students participating in the examination of Class XI and XII from the alphabetical system and who have secured at least D+ in the theoretical examinations of each subject and at least C grade in the experimental exam, only after 15 days from the date of publication of the result
  • Grade XI and XII pass numbers and the first two digits of the registration no. 73 or lower will be made available to students of the arithmetic system, only 15 days after the Transcript, Migration and Provisional (TMP) Certificates are published. The Certificate of Educational Qualification (TMP) Registration No. will be provided from the respective offices of the National Examination Board at Biratnagar, Butwal, Dhangadhi, Hetauda, Janakpur, Kathmandu and Kohlpur for the first two marks of 68 students.
  • Students who wish to reapply again without having to gratify the grade/marks of any subject after the publication of the Class XI exam result will receive NPR 500. Applicants can apply for the same at the NEB concerned offices on the date of attachment of the grade sheet/mark sheet downloaded from the Grade sheet / Mark sheet or website for reuse.
  • If students find any error pertaining to Grade XI exam results including deferred score or marked absent, subject difference, name difference, registration number, etc, they can apply for correction of the same with the required documents (within 6 months) at NEB branch offices or head office in Sanothimi.

Any technical error in the result will be corrected by records of the controlling office.

Check Your Grade 11 Result

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