Thursday 19th September 2024

130 Nepalese Died from COVID-19 in Foreign Countries

More than 10,000 Nepalis have recovered from the infection.



130 Nepalese Died from COVID-19 in Foreign Countries

According to the Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA), three Nepalis in Qatar died due to coronavirus infection in the last week.

So far, 130 Nepalis living in 13 countries including the UK, the US, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Ireland, Japan, Turkey, Netherlands, and Sweden have died due to coronavirus infection.

As of today, a total of 26,402 Nepali in 55 countries were confirmed to be infected from coronavirus.


However, more than 10,000 Nepalis have recovered from the infection.

ALSO READ: Nepal Reports 421 New COVID-19 Cases, Tally Crosses 9,000-mark

Around 700 Nepalis Abroad to Return Home Today!

A total of 681 Nepalis stranded in various countries due to lockdown are returning home today.

The details include-

Returning From No. of Nepalis Airlines ETA
Bahrain 150 Nepal Airlines 0810 hrs
Pakistan 75 Himalayan Airlines 1345 hrs
Maldives 156 Himalayan Airlines 1745 hrs
UAE 150 Air Arabia 1400 hrs
Kuwait 150 Jazeera Airlines 1130 hrs

Earlier on Sunday, a total of 921 Nepali migrant workers were airlifted to Nepal from various countries.

Stay Tuned to Nepali Sansar for Latest Updates on COVID-19!

June 22, 2020 |

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