So far, Nepal has reported 258 coronavirus infection cases and zero death cases. Currently, 223 patients are undergoing treatment while 35 were discharged after recovery.
Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic is continuing its spread across the world with around 4,542,388 infection cases in 188 countries. So far, 303,651 have lost their lives due to the contagion.
As of today, there are 2,526,208 active COVID-19 cases and 1,712,529 recovery cases. Among the active cases, 2,526,197 are in mild condition and 45,548 are in critical condition.
The COVID-19 pandemic has not yet ceased to inflict socioeconomic implications in Nepal, and nationwide lockdown is the only option.
However, a study by a UN agency has revealed some bitter statistics about the lockdown.
According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, around 4,000 children may die in Nepal over the next six months due to the COVID-19 lockdown.
It revealed that around 440,000 children would be affected across South Asia over the next six months.
“An additional 2,400 children could die every day from preventable causes in South Asia as the coronavirus pandemic continues to weaken health systems and disrupt routine services across the region,” said the UNICEF.
ALSO READ: Investing in ‘WASH’ to Prevent ‘COVID-19’
Death Statistics include:
“It is crucial that childbirth, child health and nutrition services remain available for families during the time of COVID-19,” said UNICEF Regional Health Adviser for South Asia Paul Rutter.
Meanwhile, UNICEF has warned the countries to take immediate action to protect mothers, pregnant women and children.
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