Thursday 12th September 2024

Prez Trump Issues ‘Executive Order’ Against Social Media

The executive order limits legal protections provided to social-media companies under current federal law.



Prez Trump Issues ‘Executive Order’ Against Social Media

While the US is reeling under drastic implications of coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump is involved in a war with social-media companies.

On Thursday, President Trump has signed an executive order to limit legal protection enjoyed by the social-media companies including Twitter and Facebook under the current federal law.

The move came on heels of the twitter’s fact-check notices to several of the president’s tweets on mail-in voting for the November presidential election.


“A small portion of social media monopolies is taking control of a large portion of public and private communications in the US,” claimed Trump.

“They have unchecked power to censor, restrict, edit, shape, hide, alter, virtually any form of communication between private citizens and large public audiences,” he added.

The new executive order aims at limiting the power of social media platforms by reviewing a critical 1996 law that protects websites and tech companies from lawsuits.

The executive order aims at-

  • Reviewing what type of content is considered to be deceptive, pretextual or inconsistent
  • Review of government advertising on social media sites and whether those platforms impose viewpoint-based restrictions
  • Re-establishment of the White House “tech bias reporting tool”

US aPresident Trump

However, many have raised serious concerns about the proposal.

“Trump is trying to steal the power of the courts and Congress to rewrite decades of settled law for himself. He decides what’s legal based on his interests,” exclaimed Democratic Senator Ron Wyden.

Read More on ‘Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship’!

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