Thursday 13th February 2025

Dr. KC Govind Wins Medical Health Sector Battle!

Dr. Govind advocated that the government incorporate major provisions according to the recommendations of Kedar Bhakta Mathema-led taskforce


Dr. KC Govind Wins Medical Health Sector Battle!

A 27-day long struggle ends for crusader Dr. Govind after the Nepal Government agreed to implement important recommendations concerning the country’s Medical Education Sector and withdrawal of National Medical Education Bill from the Parliament.

The Senior Orthopedic ended his strike after the government agreed to fulfill one of his major demand of banning the opening of a new medical college in Kathmandu Valley for 10 years.

KC signed the nine-point agreement with the government on July 27, 2018 following a long round of talks between his representatives and the ruling Nepal Government.


Subash Chandra Nembang“We will implement the agreement through Parliament,” says Subas Nembang Nepal Communist Party leader.

Dr. KC Govind’s Demands
Following are some of the important recommendations that Dr. KC Govind demanded the government for implementation:

  • Passing of a Healthcare Education Act which demands:
    • No more construction of medical colleges in the Kathmandu Valley, rather build in other parts of Nepal
    • Reduction on the cost of medical education
    • Availability of free higher medical education
  • Implementation of the Mathema Committee Report, which talks about the Health Profession Education Policy
  • Repealing of the bill that allows the creation of a new ‘co-operative’ medical college in Kathmandu in which 146 parliamentarians hold a share
  • Impeachment of Nepal Investigation of the Abuse of Authority Commission (IAAC) Chief Lokman Singh Karki

Besides these recommendations, Dr. Govind also advocated that the government incorporate major provisions according to the recommendations of Kedar Bhakta Mathema-led taskforce including:

  • A moratorium on setting up medical colleges in the Kathmandu Valley for 10 years
  • Making it mandatory to run a hospital run for three years before it expands to become a medical college
  • Allowing a university affiliation grant to a maximum of five colleges at a time

Earlier on Wednesday, resident doctors had organized a press conference to build pressure on the government to give into the demands of the ailing doctor, as soon as possible and save his life.

Additionally, a meeting was held between the government and Dr. KC’s representatives on the same day to negotiate the recommendations. However, the talks were not favorable as the government was not willing to compromise on its stance and walked away from the negotiations.

Govind-supporters informed that they were forced to walk out of the negotiations since Education Secretary Khagraj Baral refused to say anything about the bill.

All’s well that ends well, we hope that Dr. Govind’s reforms bring about the best in Nepal’s Medical Health Sector!

July 28, 2018 |

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