We have seen some horrifying news updates related to coronavirus this week.
All social media platforms, news channels, print and online media, and the regular official conversations are not expressing anything except the dreadful picture of virus.
Here, we bring to you some significant events pertaining to coronavirus outbreak and other happenings in Nepal this week (March 30 -April 3, 2020):
While the Nepali Government is grappling to build isolation hospitals to combat the COVID-19, the Nepal Army (NA) has constructed a 100-bed isolation ward at the Birendra Military Hospital, Kathmandu.
The 100-bed isolation ward including 30 ICU beds will be used for treating coronavirus infected patients and also the suspects.
Meanwhile, the government added NPR 100 million to the NPR 70 million fund raised by NA to procure required medical equipment.
[MUST READ: Nepal Army to Import ‘COVID-19 Medical Gear’ From China]The Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has reduced the price of petrol, diesel and kerosene by NPR 10 per litre from April 2, 2020.
The revised cost of petrol is NPR 96 per litre while diesel and kerosene each cost NPR 85 per litre.
Similarly, the NOC has also reduced the price of the Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) sold to international and domestic carriers by USD 0.05 and NPR 15 per litre, respectively.
After the revision, the price of aviation fuel is NPR 75 per litre for domestic carriers and USD 0.95 per litre for international airlines.
In a bid to demonstrate their commitment to fight COVID-19, the Nepali Ministers have pledged to donate their one-month salary to the ‘Coronavirus Infection Prevention and Treatment Fund’.
Earlier, the Nepali Government has initiated the Coronavirus Fund and urged the local companies, organizations and individuals to contribute for the same.
[MUST READ: Nepal Collects NPR 207 Million ‘COVID-19 Fund’]So far, the government has collected NPR 1 billion.
Amid the growing coronavirus fear, the Nepali Government has published the list of hospitals that can treat COVID-19 infected patients.
The government has listed Shukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital, Patan Hospital, Bir Hospital, Nepal Army Hospital, Armed Police Force Hospital and Ayurved Research Center in Kathmandu Valley.
With the growing threat of coronavirus pandemic in the country, the Australian Government has advised the international students to return to their home countries to escape the worse.
The government statement came at a time when thousands of Nepali students in Australia are expecting support from the Australian Government during the coronavirus crisis.
There are more than 500,000 international students in Australia including Nepali, many of whom have already lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.
[MUST READ: Around 3.2K Nepalis Received Australian Citizenship in 2019]The US Embassy in Kathmandu has said that it has received approval from the American Government to conduct a second repatriation flight to the US on April 5, 2020.
A Qatar Airways’ flight will departure at 12:15 pm on April 5, 2020 with all the interested US citizens.
Earlier, the USA evacuated its 302 citizens from Nepal on March 31, 2020.
[MUST READ: Stranded in Nepal? Message for Tourists Stuck in Nepal]In a bid to alleviate its customers from financial burden during the coronavirus lockdown, Nepal’s Ncell Private Limited has reduced the internet price by 25% from April 2, 2020.
The company has reduced the rate of its PAYG internet from the standard rate of NPR 2 per MB to NPR 1.5 per MB.
Under the new PAYG model, the customers will receive a 20 MB bonus for every additional NPR 10 spent on data after the initial spending.
As Europe and the USA are reeling under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the global coronavirus positive cases have now surpassed 1 million while the death toll exceeded 50,000.
As of March 4, 2020, coronavirus has infected 1,119,606 people and claimed 59,243 lives globally.
The USA has the largest number of coronavirus cases at 277,621, followed by Spain at 119,199 and Italy at 119,827.
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